> p l a y i n g   t e c h n i q u e s - games / tools / toys
29 July - 6 August 02

Play: is an activity (of animals and humans). It is done without conscious purpose and out of enjoyment of the activity and of its accomplishment. The play of humans can be understood as a , by various factors determined behaviour, which takes on a substantial role as mediator between the individual and society, and which is indispensable in every period of life.

The classical theories of play understand play e.g. as an outlet of a power surplus, as a recapitulation of the cultural development of mankind, as a practice of important dispositions and instincts, as relaxation, as relief from affects and physical urges, and also as the primary category of life. (Meyer’s Encyclopaedia)
playing techniques discusses the playful use of technique.

On the one side the examination of new play devices and instruments and the developing playing techniques, the development of new software tools and their possibilities. The digital networking of technical systems and geographical positions. And on the other side the work with toys and games, their interpretation, modification, further development, manipulation and reuse.